Effect of back massage on relieving pain during labour: a systemic review
Back Massage, Labour, Pain, Effect, RelievingAbstract
Managing labour pain is a challenging concern for nurses who involved in care of mothers during labour and child birth. Massage is a primordial method that has been generally employed during labour, however, relatively little study has been assumed examining the effects of massage on women during labour. The study insistent pain allied with labour may negatively impact mother further transforming to foetus, frequently varying the childbirth course. The techniques of health care humanisation mention that women in labour should have the chance to relieve their pain with pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. The systemic review examines literature on effectiveness of back massage to relieve labour pain from 2013 to 2019. The electronic database reviewed for the systemic review included PubMed, Medline, nursing health journal, Google scholar etc by including relevant key words. Ten studies were included in the systemic review. The available literature on non-pharmacological method provides evidence as a back massage is effective to reduce labour pain. The aim of the present review is to examine the effect of back massage as a method to relieve labour pain and give comfort to mother. The experience of labour pain is different in women and it is affected by several psychological and physiological factors and its intensity may vary significantly. During labour majority of women need pain relief. Strategies of pain management include pharmacological and non-pharmacological intervention. Evidence suggests that non pharmacological methods are helpful to reduce labour pain. We identified 10 reviews out of 110 for inclusion within this review. All studies on back massages show that it is effective to relieve pain during labour.
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