Analysis of caesarean sections using Robson’s classification system in a tertiary care centre in Northern India: an emerging concept to audit the increasing caesarean section rate


  • Deepika Jamwal Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology GMC Kathua, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Pallavi Sharma Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology GMC Kathua, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Anil Mehta Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology GMC Kathua, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Jiteshwar Singh Pannu Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology GMC Kathua, Jammu and Kashmir, India



Caesarean section, Robson’s classification


Background: There has been an increase in rate of caesarean section over last five decades. This is a matter of international public health concern as it increases the caesarean section related maternal morbidity. The aim of the present study was to evaluate that in a new medical college which clinical situation contributed and led to caesarean deliveries as per Robson’s classification system and to audit the increasing rate of caesarean section.

Methods: This study was performed in Government Medical College Kathua in the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir from November 2020 to April 2021. In the present study, all cases delivered by caesarean section during the period of six months were recorded and classified according to Robson's 10 group classification system.

Results: Out of total 1366 women delivered, 630 underwent CS (46.12%). It was observed that majority of caesarean sections belonged to group 2 and group 5 of Robson criteria. Group 5 comprised of patients with one or more previous caesarean section with cephalic presentation according to Robson criteria and maximum number of caesarean sections done in the present study belonged to this group that is 40.3%. Group 2 that is nulliparous singleton cephalic >37 week induced labour or caesarean section before labour comprised 29.2%. Breech pregnancies (groups 6 and 7) had >90% caesarean rates.

Conclusions: Women with a previous caesarean delivery represent an increasing proportion of caesarean deliveries. Use of the Robson criteria allows standardized comparisons of data and identifies clinical scenarios driving changes in caesarean rates. Hospitals and health organizations can use the Robson 10-Group Classification System to evaluate quality and processes associated with caesarean delivery.


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