Challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of extrauterine leiomyomas: case series
Extrauterine leiomyoma, Metastasis, Diagnosis, TreatmentAbstract
Extrauterine leiomyoma is a rare disease with multiple potential metastasizing sites. Pathogenesis of this condition remains debatable with previous myomectomy a considerable risk factor. Diagnosis and treatment remain a challenge due to diverse presenting symptoms and the initial involvement of various specialties, which often cause distress in these patients. In this article, we present one case of pulmonary leiomyomas on expectant management, one case of wide-disseminated extrauterine leiomyomas including the bones, spines, soft tissues and peritoneum who underwent decompression laminectomy and biopsy of paravertebral mass and one case of retroperitoneal leiomyoma who underwent resection of the lesion.
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