A study of feto maternal outcome in primary caesarean section
Meconium stained liquor, Multiparous women, Primary caesarean sectionAbstract
Background: Primary caesarean section is defined as caesarean section to be performed in women who have not had previous caesarean delivery. The increase in the rates of primary caesarean section is not only due to increased caesarean section in nulligravida but also due to upward rise in caesarean section rates in parous women. Through this study we aimed to examine the frequency and the indications of primary caesarean section in nulliparous and multiparous women.
Methods: A prospective study was carried out in the OBGY department of smt. SCL Hospital, NHL municipal medical college from April 2020 to April 2021. All multiparous women with previous normal vaginal delivery who underwent caesarean section this time were included in this study. Patients with previous caesarean section <28 weeks of gestation, patients who did not give consent were excluded from the study.
Results: 92% were 20-30 years and are gravida 2 or 3 patients. 85% patients were booked patients. Most common indication of primary caesarean section in parous women was MSL+FD (31%). Difficulty in delivery of the baby was encountered in 45% of cases. Major cause of admission in NICU was MAS.
Conclusions: Primary caesarean section has become a major driver of overall caesarean section rate. Decision making on primary caesarean section should be carefully scrutinized, introducing a diagnostic second opinion for all primary caesarean section. Primary caesarean section in both multigravida and primigravida becomes mandatory in many cases to prevent maternal and feta morbidity.
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