Antioxidants containing selenium impact on unexplained oligohydramnios




Selenium, Amniotic fluid index, Oligohydramnios, Fetal weight, APGAR score



Background: Oligohydramnios is a significant morbidity during pregnancy that may affect fetal growth and functions and the presented work was an effort to test the addition of selenium for the correction and regaining normal liquor.

Methods: Cases recruited from those attending Zinat al-Hayat hospitals and diagnosed with unexplained oligohydramnios after exclusion of prom postdates pregnancy induced hypertension Then final 100 cases divided into two groups group one control: 50 controls that followed healthy diet and a positive mindset only group two cases: 50 who followed healthy lifestyle plus adding selenium ace tablets once daily. Cases and controls followed by ultrasound evaluation with calculation of AFI and fetal weight.

Results: Regarding improvement in amniotic index to be more than 5, there were 40 cases out of 50 in cases compared to 25 in controls with p=0.001 a high statistical difference that signified positive impact on the amount of amniotic fluid, regarding amniotic fluid particle diameter it was present in 22 out of 50 in controls compared to 8 only in cases with p=0.002,Regarding birth weight of, more than 2500 gm. there were 20 out of 50 in controls compared to 35 out of 50 in cases with intervention and p=0.002. Regarding APGAR score below 6 there were 15 in controls compared to only 3 in cases with p=0.001, regarding neonatal incubation there were 10 in controls compared to one in selenium group with p=0.004.

Conclusions: adding selenium ace tablets in cases of unexplained oligohydramnios had a promising result and a positive impact on amniotic fluid index and neonatal outcomes

Author Biography

Mostafa A. Elsayed, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Benha University, Egypt

assistant professor


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