Place of the antenatal care in the prevention of a premature delivery


  • Rasoanandrianina B. Solange Faculty of Medicine, Antananarivo, Madagascar
  • Razafindraibe A. Felanarivo Faculty of Medicine, Tamatave, Madagascar
  • Rakotomalala N. Zoly Faculty of Medicine, Majunga, Madagascar
  • Rakotozanany Besaina Faculty of Medicine, Antananarivo, Madagascar
  • Rakotoarimalala N. N Faculty of Medicine, Antananarivo, Madagascar
  • Fandresena Faculty of Medicine, Antananarivo, Madagascar
  • Randriambelomanana J. Anderson Faculty of Medicine, Antananarivo, Madagascar



Antenatal care, Delivery, Premature, Fetal, Maternal, Prognosis


Background: Prematurity constitutes a source of morbidity and mortality neonatal. The objective of this study is to determine the place of the antenatal care in the prevention of a premature delivery.

Methods: It is an analytical retrospective study, type “cases-controls” realized at CHU GOB, on 01 January to 31 December 2014.

Results: The frequency of the premature delivery during the time of study was 6%. The risk factors significantly associated with the premature delivery were the primigestity, the primiparity and the antecedents of miscarriage. About the antenatal care, not followed pregnancy (p=0.01; OR=6.2; [IC 95% 1.3-29]), insufficient antenatal care (p<10-10; OR=6.7; [IC 95% 4.0-15]) and the antenatal care carried out in the basic health center (p=0.00002; OR=3,5; [IC 95% 1.8-6.5] influenced significantly with occurred of a premature delivery. While the realization of antenatal care 4 times and more and the realization of antenatal care at Universities Hospital Center protected the patients in occurred of a premature delivery.

Conclusions: The improvement of antenatal care’s quality and the medical infrastructures at basic health center, as well as the sensibilization to the population on the importance of antenatal care constitutes a priority in order to prevent effectively occurred of a premature delivery.


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