Headache and seizure on postpartum day 7: late postpartum eclampsia: a case report


  • Aman Deep Raj Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Military Hospital Bhatinda, Bhatinda Cantt, Punjab, India
  • Abhinav Dixit Department of Medicine, Military Hospital Bhatinda, Bhatinda Cantt, Punjab, India




Late postpartum eclampsia, Gestational hypertension, Pre-eclampsia, Eclampsia, Seizures, Hypertension, Pregnancy, Magnesium sulphate, Maternal death, Cerebral venous thrombosis, Cerebral venogram


Historically, convulsions beginning more than 48 hours, but less than 4 weeks, after delivery, known as late postpartum eclampsia, was thought to be uncommon; however, recent evidence suggests that its incidence is increasing. In addition, the presentation of late postpartum preeclampsia-eclampsia may differ from that occurring during the pregnancy. About 40% of late eclampsia has no premonitory symptoms. This contributes to difficulty in diagnosing late postpartum preeclampsia-eclampsia in an emergency department setting. Greater awareness and knowledge of this disorder by ED physicians should improve outcomes in these potentially life-threatening cases. The authors present a case of new-onset seizures occurring 07 days postpartum. The patient presented with headache, hypertension, and generalized tonic-clonic seizures to the emergency department. Postpartum eclampsia was diagnosed and IV magnesium sulphate was administered. The patient had no further seizures and did not require long-term anticonvulsants.



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How to Cite

Raj, A. D., & Dixit, A. (2023). Headache and seizure on postpartum day 7: late postpartum eclampsia: a case report. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 12(6), 1921–1925. https://doi.org/10.18203/2320-1770.ijrcog20231584



Case Reports