Induction of labour in pregnancies with fetal demise: a randomised control trial
Induction of labour, IUFD, Mifepristone, Misoprostol, Transcervical Foley’s catheterAbstract
Background: The present study aims at comparing efficacy and safety of two different regimens of induction of labour (IOL) in pregnancies with fetal demise.
Settings and Design: A randomised controlled trial was conducted on 100 eligible pregnant women diagnosed with intrauterine fetal demise who were admitted in the labour ward of a tertiary care hospital.
Methods: All participants were randomly divided into two groups in group A and group B. In Group A, IOL was done with transcervical foley’s catheter and vaginal misoprostol while in group B, mifepristone with vaginal misoprostol were used for IOL. During intrapartum period the mode of delivery, induction-delivery interval, total dose of induction agent used and amount of total blood loss were noted. Any side effect if present was also noted.
Results: Comparing both the groups, Induction delivery interval was less in group A as compared to group B.
Conclusions: Use of mifepristone with misoprostol as well as Foley’s with misoprostol were found to be equally safe and effective methods.
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