Effect of pilates and breathing exercise on quality of life and sleep quality among medical students with premenstrual syndrome
Breathing exercise, Quality of life, Pilates, Premenstrual syndrome, Sleep qualityAbstract
Background: Quality of life and sleep quality have been documented as a challenge for college students, with reports indicating impacts on daytime functioning and academic achievement. The present study evaluates the effect of Pilates and breathing exercise on quality of life and sleep quality among medical college students.
Methods: This pre-test and post-test quasi experimental study involving 132 participants consists of one experimental group (assigned Pilates and breathing exercise) and control group (breathing exercise). After the first supervised session, participants were instructed to perform the exercise protocol three times a week for eight weeks. Quality of life and sleep quality were measured by short form 36 quality of life questionnaire and Pittsburgh sleep quality index, respectively. The variables were assessed at baseline and after eight weeks of the study.
Results: After eight weeks, findings showed an improvement in the quality of life and sleep quality in experimental group (p<0.05) compared to the control group. The subjects in the experimental group who followed the Pilates and breathing exercise improved quality of life after the intervention. Especially the role limitation in their activities of daily living due to health problem and emotional problem and the social functioning improved significantly comparing to the pre-test evaluation done prior to the intervention. When comparing the different PSQI components in both pre and post-test of experimental group, the strongest difference was observed in component 3 (sleep duration, p<0.05) and component 7 (daytime dysfunction, p<0.05).
Conclusions: Eight week of Pilates and breathing exercise have significant improvement in quality of life and sleep quality in medical college students.
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