Determinants of adverse perinatal outcome in preeclampsia at the federal medical centre, Makurdi: a cross-sectional study
Adverse perinatal outcome, Makurdi, North Central Nigeria, Preeclampsia, Risk factorsAbstract
Background: Preeclampsia currently accounts for the high burden of adverse perinatal morbidity and mortality in Nigeria. Aim of study was to determine the prevalence of preeclampsia and factors associated with adverse perinatal outcome at the Federal Medical Centre Makurdi.
Methods: This was an analytical cross-sectional study in which 170 consecutively consenting women with preeclampsia were recruited. The perinatal outcomes were identified in the antenatal period, at delivery and early puerperium. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 20.0 for windows (IBM SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA). Categorical variables were analyzed using Chi-Square ( 2) test and Fisher's exact test. Bivariate analysis was used to test for association between basic characteristics of participants and adverse perinatal outcomes, while logistic regression analysis was used to determine the strength of these association. P < 0.05 and if CI does not include value 1, it was considered statistically significant.
Results: This study shows that the prevalence of preeclampsia and adverse perinatal outcome was 2.4% and 63.5% respectively. The adverse perinatal outcomes were more with the severe disease than with mild preeclampsia. The estimated gestational age at presentation (EGAP), severity of the disease and mode of delivery were the risk factors strongly associated with adverse perinatal outcomes.
Conclusions: This study had shown the high burden of preeclampsia in Makurdi, North Central Nigeria and recommends quality improvements in maternal and child care to reduce perinatal adverse outcomes.
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