Evaluation of second trimester abortion methods in a tertiary care centre
Pregnancy, Abortion, Gestational age, Morbidity, FemaleAbstract
Background: Wishful termination of pregnancy is among the many rights of women’s health care and while the rate of abortions is much more in the first trimester, morbidity and complications increases as the pregnancy advances are much more in the second trimester. We assessed the various methods of second trimester abortion available in a tertiary care centre while evaluating the efficacy and safety profile of these methods.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study in 50 patients of age group 16-36-year admitted for spontaneous abortion or medical termination of pregnancy (MTP). Demographics, gestational age, parity and indication for abortion was evaluated and appropriate method offered. Induction abortion interval and various complications were noted and managed appropriately.
Results: Fifty patients of age group 16-36-year were included in this study. Majority of them were married and multiparous and presented early in second trimester between 12-16 weeks of gestation. Spontaneous abortion was seen in 14 cases and 9 cases had fetal anomalies requiring abortion. We found the mean abortion induction interval to be 15 hours and 8 min and the most common complication was fever seen in 12% of the patients.
Conclusions: Safe abortion services, particularly in second trimester should be made available to every women and improved policies and monitored services should be rendered for the same to decrease morbidity and mortality associated with it and give overall better outcome for the patient.
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