Influence of meconium stained liqour on fetomaternal outcome
Amniotic fluid, Birth asphyxia, Meconium-stained liquorAbstract
Background: Amnion, the membrane covering the fetus is filled with amniotic fluid which is nature’s mechanism to protect the fetus against several intrauterine hazards. The amount of amniotic fluid varies and keeps on increasing till near term and then declines. Meconium-stained liquor is a dire emergency and all labour protocols change rapidly as it is an indicator of asphyxia and distress.
Methods: This study was done in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department of Dhiraj Hospital. Study duration was 1.5 years. A total of 160 patients were included in the study. Various maternal and neonatal parameters were assessed to identify the outcome of clear liquor group and meconium-stained group. Further subdivision of meconium staining into thin and thick meconium was also done.
Results: A sharp increase in the incidence of caesarean section and instrumental delivery was noted in the meconium-stained liquor group. The APGAR scores at 1 minute and 5 minutes showed greater risk to the neonate in thick meconium staining. Incidence of birth asphyxia and Meconium Aspiration Syndrome were found more in the meconium-stained group.
Conclusions: Early detection of high-risk pregnancies in the antenatal period and timely intervention can prevent a lot of cases of meconium staining. Initial management of fetal hypoxia helps in improving fetal status dramatically.
Williams Obstetrics 24th edition, section 5, chapter 11, page 231.
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