Vaginal infections and its relation to preterm labour, PPROM, PROM and its outcome
Vaginal infection, Prematurity, Threatened preterm, Preterm labour, Premature rupture of membranes, Preterm premature rupture of membranes, AntibioticsAbstract
Background: Prematurity is the cause of 85% of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Recently, vaginal infection has been associated with increased risks for prematurity and premature rupture of membranes (PROM). Since preventive measures can prevent preterm labour and neonatal morbidity and mortality taking these facts into consideration the present study was undertaken to study the role of vaginal infection in preterm labour, PPROM, PROM.
Methods: A prospective observational study was done in PESIMR, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh. The aim was to study the role of vaginal infections in preterm labour, preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) and premature rupture of membranes (PROM). Objectives of the study were to diagnose vaginal infection by taking high vaginal swab, to study the relation of vaginal infection and preterm labour, PPROM, PROM, to evaluate maternal morbidity, mortality and neonatal outcome. The another objective was to select an appropriate antibiotic therapy. The study was done on 80 patients of preterm labour, PPROM and PROM. Vaginal infection was confirmed by high vaginal swab and neonatal outcome was noted.
Results: Out of 80, high vaginal swab had growth in 40 patients and 40 were sterile. CONS were the commonest isolated organism grown followed by candida. RDS was the commonest neonatal complication seen in mothers with vaginal infection who delivered prematurely, thus vaginal infection being a common cause of preterm labour, PPROM and PROM, timely detection and treatment is important to avoid prematurity, associated neonatal morbidity and mortality.
Conclusions: study provides important data about microbiological correlate of threatened preterm, preterm labour, PROM, PPROM in our pregnant women and most of pathological isolates were sensitive to ampicillin, taxim and gentamicin.References
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