Analytical study of indications of cesarean section


  • Janki M. Pandya Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, L.G. Hospital, Ahmedabad
  • Munjal J. Pandya Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, L.G. Hospital, Ahmedabad
  • Jayun M. Joshi Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, L.G. Hospital, Ahmedabad
  • Shuchi P. Velani Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, L.G. Hospital, Ahmedabad



Previous cesarean Section, Fetal Distress, Malpresentations


Background: There has been an increase in rate of cesarean section over last few decades. There are various factors involved in the rise of rate of cesarean section. There has been an increase in primary cesarean section rate, a decrease in VBAC (Vaginal birth after cesarean section) trial, decrease in operative vaginal deliveries (Forceps/Ventouse), increase in litigations, increasing facility of electronic monitoring, and decreasing threshold of patients for bearing labor pains.

Methods: A retrospective study was carried out in 500 patients in the tertiary care hospital). The data were collected in a pre-designed proforma. Data were analysed by using SPSS version 20.0 Software. We have done a retrospective study of different indications of cesarean section amongst 500 patients who underwent cesarean section from March 2015 to June 2015.

Results: In our study, we found out that the most common indication was Previous cesarean section (46.2%), followed by Fetal Distress (13.4%) and malpresentations (11.4%). Non progress of labour (10.2%) and toxaemia of pregnancy (6.6%) were amongst the other indications.

Conclusions: Reduction of number of primary cesarean sections and successful VBAC trials are recommended to keep the rate of cesarean sections to the possible minimum level.


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