Relationship of serum uric acid, serum creatinine and serum cystatin C with maternal and fetal outcomes in rural Indian pregnant women


  • Padma Yalamati Department of Biochemistry, SHARE INDIA, Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences, Ghanpur, Medchal Mandal, R. R. District, Telangana, Hyderabad, India
  • Aparna Varma Bhongir Department of Biochemistry, SHARE INDIA, Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences, Ghanpur, Medchal Mandal, R. R. District, Telangana, Hyderabad, India
  • Kalpana Betha Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, SHARE INDIA, Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences, Ghanpur, Medchal Mandal, R. R. District, Telangana, Hyderabad, India
  • Ritika Verma Department of Biochemistry, SHARE INDIA, Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences, Ghanpur, Medchal Mandal, R. R. District, Telangana, Hyderabad, India
  • Shailendra Dandge Department of Pharmacology, SHARE INDIA, Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences, Ghanpur, Medchal Mandal, R. R. District, Telangana, Hyderabad, India



Uric acid, Creatinine, Cystatin C, Gestational Hypertension, Preeclampsia, Gestational age, Birth weight, Caesarian section, Logistic regression


Background: Hypertensive disorders are the most common in pregnancy. Several studies showed a positive correlation between elevated maternal serum uric acid (UA), serum creatinine and adverse maternal and fetal outcomes, but only a few studies are available on serum cystatin C and maternal and fetal outcomes. The present study was undertaken to study the association of serum UA, creatinine and cystatin C with maternal and fetal outcomes.

Methods: Out of 116 pregnant women 69 women had no hypertension and 47 had hypertension with or without proteinuria. Serum UA, creatinine and cystatin C was measured by modified Uricase method, modified kinetic Jaffe’s reaction and particle-enhanced immunonephelometric assay respectively. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to determine the independent effects of serum UA, creatinine and cystatin C on maternal and fetal outcomes using stata 13.1.

Results: The adjusted odds ratio (OR) was 3.73 (95% CI: 1.18-11.75; P=0.024) for UA; 15.79 (95% CI: 3.04-81.94; P=0.001) for creatinine and 2.03 (95% CI: 0.70-5.87; P=0.192) for cystatin C in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. All the three renal parameters were not significantly associated with birth weight, gestational age of delivery and mode of delivery after adjusting for the confounding factors.

Conclusions: Serum creatinine and uric acid are independent risk factors for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. High serum uric acid is associated with low birth weight and delivery by caesarian section whereas high serum creatinine with preterm delivery only before adjustment for confounding factors and not after adjustment. Serum cystatin C was not significantly associated with the maternal and fetal outcomes.



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