Awareness of menopause and HRT among women attending OPD of University teaching hospital
Menopause, HRT, Socio-demography, Cultural factorsAbstract
Background: The aim of this study was to find the awareness of menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) among women attending gynaecology outpatient in a university teaching hospital.
Methods: Study was conducted in the outpatients department of women attending gynaecology OPD in Sir Sunder Lal hospital, institute of medical sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. It was done prospectively. Their awareness of menopause and HRT was enquired. Period of study was January 2013-December 2013. 67 women participated in this questionnaire survey. Socio-demographic characteristics, their knowledge of menopause and awareness of HRT were enquired.
Results: Age range of participants was 35-55. The age range of menopause was 45-55. 80% of women were from low socioeconomic status. 90% were illiterate. 60% of women have heard about menopause. 40 % of women were aware of symptoms of menopause. Only 2% of women were aware of HRT. 66 % of women were sexually active.
Conclusions: Relatively good number women were not aware of menopause. Majority of women were not aware of HRT.
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