Evaluation of the use of birth control followed in women's hospital regional Saint Louis (Senegal) in 2014


  • Ousmane Thiam Health Training Unit (UFR2S), Gaston Berger University of Saint Louis, Senegal
  • Mamadou Lamine Cissé UFR Health, University of Thies, Senegal
  • Mansour Ninag Gynecological and Obstetrical clinic, CHU, Aristide le Dantec, University Cheikhe Anta. Diop of Dakar, Senegal
  • Mamour Gueye Gynecological and Obstetrical clinic, CHU, Aristide le Dantec, University Cheikhe Anta. Diop of Dakar, Senegal
  • Abdou Aziz Diouf Gynecological and Obstetrical clinic, CHU, Aristide le Dantec, University Cheikhe Anta. Diop of Dakar, Senegal
  • Cherif Cheikh Tourade SARR Hospital Regional Center of Saint Louis, Senegal
  • Aly Sambou Health Training Unit (UFR2S), Gaston Berger University of Saint Louis, Senegal
  • Jean Charles Moreau Gynecological and Obstetrical clinic, CHU, Aristide le Dantec, University Cheikhe Anta. Diop of Dakar, Senegal




Family planning, Long way


Background: To evaluate the use of contraceptive methods among women followed at Saint Louis Health Centre.

Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study of all recue clients in the Obstetrics and Gynecology department of the Regional Hospital of St. Louis. She ran from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014, 12 months.

Results: The mean age was 28.8 years. The most common demographic characteristics were the Wolof ethnic group (64.5%), married the marital status (97.9%), they were not in school in 46.3%. The main sources of information on the use of contraception were health workers in 80.3%, friends and relatives (8.5%) followed by husbands (2.5%), the media represented 6 0% and 0.1% posters. The injection method was the most used method (42.8%) followed by implants (36.2%), pills (14.9%) and tubal ligation (4.4%). The IUD was the least used method with 1.7% of use. The main reasons given by women were spacing births (70.6%), to avoid unwanted pregnancy (3.90%), avoid early pregnancies (1.20%) and of other unspecified reasons in 24.3%. In this study, no accidental pregnancy was reported. Indeed, 79.4% of women had respected the monitoring schedule of monitoring visits. They had abandoned contraception in 23.5%.

Conclusions: This study shows the achievements and shortcomings in relation to the nature and completeness of the information provided. Strengthening the awareness and training will reduce missed opportunities for family planning, and indirect; reduce the rate of unmet need for FP in our country.


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