Tranexamic acid for the treatment of postpartum hemorrhage: placebo controlled study
Blood loss, Hemorrhage, Tranexamic acid, Vaginal deliveryAbstract
Background: Each year, worldwide about 530,000 women die from causes related to pregnancy and child birth. Obstetric hemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal mortality accounting for between one quarter and one third of deaths, most of which occur in postpartum period. The objective of the study was to study the effectiveness of tranexamic acid in reducing the blood loss in women with PPH.
Methods: Study done on 100 adult women with clinically diagnosed postpartum hemorrhage, satisfying inclusion and exclusion criteria, following vaginal delivery of baby; women may have delivered their babies at Obstetrics and Gynecology department, Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Hubli or outside, with hospital admission following delivery. 50 patients will receive standard protocol with placebo for the treatment of PPH and 50 women will receive standard protocol with tranexamic acid (1 gm slow IV, if after 30 min bleeding continues after the first dose, a second dose may be given approximate rate of 1 ml/min).
Results: Mean blood loss in the control group was 744±102 ml, whereas in Tranexamic acid group blood loss was 626±113ml. There was no patient requiring surgical intervention or hysterectomy in either group & there was no maternal mortality in either group and no thrombogenic side effect seen either in mother or baby in both the groups.
Conclusions: It was concluded that Tranexamic acid is effective in reducing blood loss in women clinically diagnosed with PPH.
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