Cytological screening for cervical cancer in women of reproductive age group
Carcinoma cervix, CIN (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia), HPV (human papilloma virus)Abstract
Background: Cervical cancer is a malignant neoplasm arising from cells of cervix uteri. It is the second most common cancer among women worldwide, affecting about 16 per 1,00,000 women each year.
Methods: A cross sectional study of 400 women of reproductive age group (21-49 years) attending Lady Goschen Hospital and KMC Hospital, Attavar, Mangalore was conducted, and women were screened for the presence of cervical cancer by Pap smear. The results were analyzed with respect to age distribution, age at marriage, parity, symptoms and per-speculum findings. Pregnant women and women with active infection of the genital tract were excluded from the study population.
Results: The age range was 21 to 49 years. Mean age was 38.14 years. Of the 400 women, 398 were married and majority of these, 237 (59.5%), got married between 21-25 years. Menstrual irregularity was the most common presenting symptom, 150/400 (37.5%). Abnormal per speculum findings were seen in 102/400 (25.5%). 17 of 400 Pap smears were abnormal, of which 1 (0.25%) was AG-FN, 2 ASCUS (0.5%), 3 (0.75%) ASC-H, 1 (0.25%) LSIL, 7 (1.75%) HSIL and 3 (0.75%) SCC. Mean age for cancer cervix patients was 42.33 years.
Conclusions: Pap smear screening, which appears to be the most feasible and affordable mode for control of carcinoma cervix in developing countries like India, should be carried out in all women of reproductive age group.
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