Association of dyslipidemia in second trimester of pregnancy with preeclampsia


  • Kanmani K. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Institute of Social Obstetrics and Kasthuriba Gandhi Hospital for Women, Chennai, India
  • Sudha Subramanian Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Institute of Social Obstetrics and Kasthuriba Gandhi Hospital for Women, Chennai, India



Preeclampsia, Triglycerides, Total cholesterol


Background: The study aimed to determine whether dyslipidemia in the second trimester of pregnancy is associated with pre-eclampsia and to investigate and compare the levels of serum lipids among preeclampsia and normal pregnant women.

Methods: This prospective cohort study was done between March 2016 to February 2017. Fasting lipid profile was taken for about 200 selected antenatal women between 18-20 weeks of gestation. The patients who developed pre-eclampsia were grouped as preeclampsia group and the rest of the patients were grouped as normal group. The maternal characteristics compared between two groups were age, parity, BMI and socioeconomic class according to modified Kuppuswamy scale.

Results: There is statistical significance among the two groups with respect to BMI and parity whereas no significance with age distribution. Mean total cholesterol in Preeclampsia was 240.24±46.63 mg/dl and normal pregnancy was 186.10±28.02 mg/dl. Mean HDL in preeclampsia was 47.49±4.40mg/dl and normal pregnancy was 52.11±8.918 mg/dl. Mean LDL in preeclampsia was 140.43±36.92 mg/ dl and normal pregnancy was 94.6±24.5 mg/dl. Mean VLDL in preeclampsia was 64.48±15.76mg/dl and in normal pregnancy was 33.54±9.38 mg/dl, Mean Triglycerides in preeclampsia was 291.95±82.33 mg/dl and normal pregnancy was 166.78±48.83 mg/dl. Total cholesterol, Low density lipoprotein, very low-density lipoprotein, triglycerides were increased in preeclampsia when compared to normal pregnancy, which is statistically significant.

Conclusions: Detecting dyslipidemia before 20 weeks of gestation helps to recognise pregnancies at high risk for preeclampsia and to detect and treat the disease earlier for a better maternal and perinatal outcome.


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How to Cite

K., K., & Subramanian, S. (2018). Association of dyslipidemia in second trimester of pregnancy with preeclampsia. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 7(2), 435–441.



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