Evaluation of primigravida in labour using modified WHO partograph: comparative study of 100 cases


  • Nivedita D. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, KBNIMS, Kalburgi, Karnataka, India
  • Mehvish Anjum Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, KBNIMS, Kalburgi, Karnataka, India




Amniotomy, Dysfunctional labour, Oxytocin, Partograph


Background: Prolonged labour has become a rarity in developed countries, but it still poses a problem in developing countries causing increase in maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. This study is undertaken to assess the efficacy of modified WHO partograph in monitoring progress of labour in primigravidae with spontaneous onset of labour and in patients with active management and to assess whether active management of labour helps in reducing the duration of labour.

Methods: In this study, 100 primigravidae partographs are analyzed, 50 patients are in active management group (early amniotomy and use of oxytocin) and 50 patients are in control group (spontaneously).

Results: The mean duration of first stage of labour in the study group is 6.73±2 and in the control group is 11.30±4.51hrs( statistically significant p<0.001).Mean duration of second stage of labour in study group is 33.73±28.77mins and in control group is 38±24.98 mins (p<0.079), mean total duration of labour in active group is 7.17±2.64 hr and  in control group is 11.76hrs±-4.71hrs ( p<0.001).89% of study group patients had Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery as compared to the 80% in control group (p>0.05 ). Assisted vaginal delivery (vaccum) is found in 6% in the study group and 8% in control group patients (p>0.05). LSCS is found 10% in study group and 8% in control group patients (p>0.05).

Conclusions: Active management of labour significantly reduces the mean duration of 1st active stage, 2nd stage and total duration of labour, but does not decrease the rate of the caesarean section.


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How to Cite

D., N., & Anjum, M. (2018). Evaluation of primigravida in labour using modified WHO partograph: comparative study of 100 cases. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 7(2), 470–475. https://doi.org/10.18203/2320-1770.ijrcog20180157



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