Huge cervical pedunculated leiomyoma with uterine prolapse: a case report
Abdominal hysterectomy, Pedunculated cervical leiomyoma, Prolapse uterusAbstract
Leiomyoma uterus is the most common benign solid tumor in female. Most of it situated in the body of the uterus. cervical myoma account 3%-8% of uterine myoma. Cervical myoma can frequently cause diagnostic dilemmas. Pedunculated cervical myoma can arise from the endocervical canal or from the uterine cavity and protrude through the cervix, may become necrotic, infected and gangrenous due to inadequate blood circulation through a long pedicle or if the pedicle of leiomyoma twists. This can cause menometrorrhagia, recurrent vaginal discharge leading to anemia and sepsis. A case of huge pedunculated cervical leiomyoma has been reported here. A 40 years old female, para 4, with menometrorrhagia, excessive vaginal discharge and severe anemia with haemoglobin 5gm% and challenging huge cervical pedunculated leiomyoma of size 13cm*9cm*9cm prolapsed outside introitus which is congested necrotic, infected causing uterine prolapse with bilateral hydroureter and hydronephrosis. Patient underwent bilateral internal iliac artery ligation and fibroid excision followed by total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingectomy after tracing both ureters. Post-operative period was uneventful. Histopathology was confirmatory of leiomyoma.
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