Study of menstrual disorder in adolescent girls at tertiary care centre in rural area
Adolescents, Dysmenorrhea, Hygiene, Menstruation, MorbidityAbstract
Background: Total adolescent world population is 16%. Adolescents (10-19 years) constitute 21.3% i.e. nearly 1/5th of total population of India. 19% of the total population-faces a series of serious challenges not only affecting their growth and development but also their livelihood as adults. The objective of the current study was to observe the menstrual disorders among adolescent females and to observe the demographic profile and assess hygiene practices during menstruation and grade of anemia due to menstrual morbidity.
Methods: A random selection of adolescent’s females were done from gynaecology outpatient department at a tertiary care hospital in rural area. Study done on 180 adolescent girls from January 01, 2016 to June 31st, 2017, it is a descriptive type of observational study. Counseling done of adolescent females on menstrual hygiene and nutrition. Results: Most common menstrual morbidity seen in this study is dysmenorrhea (41.66%) followed by heavy menstrual bleeding i.e 25% and irregular menstrual bleeding (13.33%) subsequently. All these problems are associated with their practices used during menstruation. Poor menstrual hygiene was seen associated with 30 to 35% of abdominal cramps and mood swings, heavy menstrual bleeding and nutritional deficiency leads to moderate anemia (7 to10 gm%) in 83%.
Conclusions: Due to unhygienic practices and lack of education and awareness about hygiene many of the girls were suffering from reproductive tract infections and poor nutrition leads to anemia. So, we all need to educate them about hygiene and spread awareness about the various services provided by the government like supplying of sanitary napkins to overcome infections.
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