Pregnancy with previous caesarean section: an overview of adverse fetomaternal sequelae
Maternal morbidity, Repeat caesarean section, Scar rupture, Vaginal birth after caesarean sectionAbstract
Background: The Caesarean section epidemic is a reason for immediate concern and deserves serious international attention. The purpose of this study was to evaluate adverse maternal and fetal complications associated with pregnancies with history of previous caesarean section.
Methods: A cross-sectional, observational study carried out over a period of 1 year from 1st June 2016 to 31st July 2017 in Medical College Kolkata. 200 antenatal patients with previous history of 1 or more caesarean sections were included. In all cases thorough history, complete physical and obstetrical examination, routine and case specific investigations were carried out and patients were followed till delivery and for 7 days thereafter. All adverse maternal and fetal complications were noted.
Results: Out of 200 women, 30 candidates were tried for VBAC, of them 20 (66.66%) had successful outcome. Most common antenatal complication was APH (5.5%) due to placenta praevia followed by scar dehiscence. There were 12 cases (6.66%) of PPH and 6 cases (3.33%) of scar dehiscence in the study group. 3 cases required urgent hysterectomy due to placenta accreta. 42 out of 196 babies required management in SNCU immediately or later after birth.
Conclusions: Women with a prior cesarean are at increased risk for repeat cesarean section. Vigilance with respect to indication at primary cesarean delivery, proper counselling for trial of labor and proper antepartum and intrapartum monitoring of patients are key to reducing the cesarean section rates and maternal complications.
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