Is emergency cesarean section more risky than elective cesarean section in women with previous cesarean section?


  • Balwan Singh Dhillon Scientist-F, Indian Council of Medical Research, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi, India
  • Nomita Chandhiok Scientist-G, Indian Council of Medical Research, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi, India
  • M. Vishnu Vardhana Rao Director, ICMR-National Institute of Medical Statistics, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi, India



Emergency repeat cesarean section, Elective repeat cesarean section, Maternal, Morbidity, Mortality


Background: Cesarean section is one of the most performed surgical procedures all over the world, but unfortunately cesarean sections are associated with a great deal of maternal morbidity and mortality. In the past the rate of cesarean section has increased for many avoidable and unavoidable indications both in developed and developing countries. The objective of this study was to compare maternal morbidity and mortality in elective repeat cesarean section (El-RCS) and emergency repeat cesarean section Em-RCS.

Methods: Prospective data was recorded on management practices, associated complications and morbidity and mortality on 15664 consecutive cases of previous cesarean section reporting at 30 medical colleges/teaching hospitals for delivery.

Results: Of the 15664 women with a previous cesarean section, 5399 (34.5%) women underwent elective repeat cesarean section, 7752 (49.5%) women who underwent emergency repeat cesarean section and 2513 (16.0%) had successful trial of labor (S-TOL). There was    failed trial of labor (F-TOL) in 1522 cases and requiring an emergency cesarean section for delivery of baby. Therefore, total no. of 7752 women had an emergency cesarean section. The overall maternal morbidity was 22.5%, 20.7% in Em-RCS and El-RCS respectively. Blood loss was more than 1000ml in 7.2% of Em-RCS where as in El-RCS it was 8.8%, blood transfusion was 7.5% in Em-RCS where as it was 6.5% in El-RCS, dehiscence of scar in Em-RCS was 4.7% as compared to 2.2% in El-RCS, uterine rupture was 1.2% in Em-RCS as compared to 0.7 % in El-RCS found statistically significant. Post-operative complication was 5.9% cases in Em-RCS where as in El-RCS was 5.8% (p=0.79 non-significant). Maternal mortality was reported in 12 (0.2%) cases of Em-RCS as compared to 5 (0.1%) cases in El-RCS (p=0.37) which was not statistically significant.  

Conclusions: Maternal morbidity was found more in emergency repeat cesarean section than in elective repeat cesarean section. Complications and referral of women who are likely to undergo cesarean section should be diagnosed at an early stage so that the maternal   morbidity and mortality can be prevented.



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How to Cite

Dhillon, B. S., Chandhiok, N., & Rao, M. V. V. (2018). Is emergency cesarean section more risky than elective cesarean section in women with previous cesarean section?. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 7(5), 1880–1884.



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