A study to explore living- in experiences of women with spontaneous abortion at selected hospital, Ambala, Haryana, India
Living-in experiences, Spontaneous abortion, WomenAbstract
Background: The purpose of this study was to explore living-in experiences of women with spontaneous abortion in terms of financial, social, psychological, physical trauma and any other aspect expressed by the women.
Methods: Mixed Method approach with method triangulation research design (concurrent QUAN + QUAL) was used to assess the living- in experiences of 12 women with spontaneous abortion selected using criterion sampling. Data collected through clinical record review and interview technique by using sample characteristics Performa, Perinatal Grief Scale, and open ended interview guide. Audio recording of the interviews was done.
Results: Mean score of Perinatal Grief scale was 100 and scores ranged from 79- 129. Most of the women (91.66%) indicated possible psychiatric morbidity. Findings revealed that the mean percentage was higher in the area of active grief (83.53%) and least was in the area of despair (48.18%). A total of 4 themes and were identified from the analysis of qualitative data, major themes emerged were pregnancy expectations and wishes, greater the joy, more painful the crash, after the blue, fear and future expectations, burden on family, and support: a helping hand.
Conclusions: Women undergone spontaneous abortion was disheartened and grieving for the child as they considered their fetuses as a full grown child. In study none of the women blamed themselves for the loss and were in a need of support from family members and health care providers.
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