Hypothyroidism in pregnancy: the scourge of the hills


  • Rony Chakravarty Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Military Hospital, Wellington, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Varun Bajaj Department of Pathology, Military Hospital, Wellington, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Rajesh Nair Department of Internal Medicine,Military Hospital, Wellington, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Ramkumar Gupta Senior Registrar and Family Medicine Specialist, Military Hospital, Wellington, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Pankaj P. Rao Commandant, Military Hospital, Wellington, Tamil Nadu, India




Free T4, Hypothyroidism, Pregnancy Complications, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)


Background: Hypothyroidism is a causal agent sub serving a multitude of complications in pregnancy. There is a lot of controversy regarding universal screening for thyroid abnormalities during pregnancy. An attempt was made to ascertain the incidence of hypothyroidism during pregnancy in a peripheral hospital.

Methods: All patients reporting to ANC OPD were subjected to thyroid profile and results tabulated as per ATA guidelines 2017. Patients with clinical hypothyroidism were followed up with treatment to look for condition related complications if any. Complications despite treatment were noted and included only after ruling out masquerading mimickers or co existent conditions.

Results: An incidence of 14.46% per two years was detected with hypothyroidism.

Conclusions: The need for universal screening for hypothyroidism is inescapable particularly in hilly terrain.


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How to Cite

Chakravarty, R., Bajaj, V., Nair, R., Gupta, R., & Rao, P. P. (2018). Hypothyroidism in pregnancy: the scourge of the hills. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 7(6), 2112–2114. https://doi.org/10.18203/2320-1770.ijrcog20182047



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