Analysis of Caesarean section rate in a government teaching institute based on Robson’s ten group classification
Caesarean section rate, Robson’s ten group classification systemAbstract
Background: Caesarean section rate is a qualitative health care indicator in India. With increasing rates of caesarean sections and no defined method to audit present institutes it is the need of the hour to use tools like Robson’s classification to understand present system. The aim of this study was to determine the rate and analyse Caesarean sections in a tertiary care institute using Robson’s ten group classification system.
Methods: This is a retrospective analytical study in which all Caesarean section done over a period of 3 years (July 2014-June 2017) were included which were performed in single unit (out of 6) of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Sassoon General Hospital. Women were classified in 10 groups according to Robson’s classification, using maternal characteristics and obstetrical history. For each group, authors calculated its relative size and its contribution to the overall caesarean rate.
Results: Total deliveries were 4750 out of which 985 were Caesarean section, incidence was calculated as 20.7%. The main contributors to the overall Caesarean rate were primiparous women in spontaneous labour (group 1- {18.3%}) and women with previous caesarean section (group 5- {34.9%}).
Conclusions: The Robson’s classification is an easy tool to use and identify the current changing dynamics in any hospital setup. Its implementation as an obstetric audit can help lower the Caesarean rates and improve the standards based on WHO criteria.
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