Efficacy of Asparagus recemosus (Satavar) in stimulating follicular growth and ovulation in anovulatory infertility: a randomized controlled trial
Anovulatory infertility, Asparagus recemosus, Clomiphene citrate, Follicular growth, Ovulation, ConceptionAbstract
Background: Anovulation is the commonest cause of female infertility, responsible for 30% of cases and the most frequent cause of anovulation in women is polycystic ovarian syndrome. The aim of the study was to evaluate the anovulatory efficacy of Asparagus recemosus, commonly known as Satavar, in stimulating follicular growth and ovulation in an ovulatory infertility.
Methods: A randomized standard controlled study was carried out at the National institute of Unani medicine Hospital, Bangalore. Patients (n=40) were randomly allocated to test (n=20) and control (n=20) groups. Infertile women in the age group of 18-40 years with menstrual irregularities, polycystic ovarian disease & spouse normal seminogram were included in the study. Patients with primary ovarian failure, thyroid dysfunction, hyperprolactinaemia, systemic illnesses, malignancy and those on hormonal therapy in last 3 months were excluded. In test group, 6 grams of A. recemosus powder twice daily from day 1-14 of cycle and in control group, clomiphene citrate 50 mg once daily from day 2-6 of cycle was administered orally for 2 consecutive cycles. Primary outcome measures (follicular growth & ovulation) and secondary outcome measure (conception) were assessed for improvement. Data were analyzed using Student ‘t’test, chi-square and Fisher exact test.
Results: After 1st and 2nd cycles of treatment, follicular growth was 30% and 40% in test group and 60% & 50% in control group; ovulatory rate was 25% & 30% in test group and 40% & 25% in control group and conception rate was 0% in test group and 10 % and 5% in control group.
Conclusions: The effect of test drug was comparable with that of control drug in stimulating follicular growth & ovulation, though the drug was not as effective as control drug to achieve conception.
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