Awareness about cervical cancer risk factors and symptoms
Cervical cancer, Cure, Knowledge, Perception, PreventionAbstract
Background: Lack of awareness of risk factors and symptoms for cancer may leads to late diagnosis and poor prognosis. A Cross-sectional population-based survey was conducted to assess community awareness about cervical cancer risk factors and symptoms and perceptions about prevention and cure of cervical cancer.
Methods: The cross-sectional study included 200 married women aged 18 years and above who consented for the study.
Results: In present study, out of 200 respondents, the risk factors for cervical carcinoma known to females were HPV infection in 30 (15%), multiparity and reproductive tract infection in 24 (12%) each, frequent childbirth in 22 (11%), early marriage in 18 (9%) and multiple sexual partners in 12 (6%).158 (79%) females knew vaginal bleeding between menses as symptom of cervical cancer. 132 (66%) knew symptom as foul-smelling vaginal discharge, 86 (42%) as lower abdominal pain, 82 (41%) as loss of appetite and weight while 52 (26%) females knew the symptom as postcoital bleeding. 54 (27%) respondents knew that pap smear test should be done as screening test to detect cervical cancer in early stage while 22 (11%) respondents knew about HPV vaccine as preventive measure.
Conclusions: Recognition of cervical cancer risk factors and symptoms was low among study participants. Targeted interventions including increasing availability of HPV vaccination, population-based cervical screening and diagnostic services can translate high awareness into actual benefits.
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