Study on knowledge and experience about emergency contraception at a tertiary care centre family planning clinic
Abortion, Emergency contraception, Family planning clinicAbstract
Background: Unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortions are the major reproductive health challenges faced by women of developing countries. According to WHO 42 million induced abortions occur annually and out of which 20 million are performed in unsafe condition and by unskilled providers.
Methods: It is a questionnaire-based study planned to be conducted in the family planning clinic of Department Of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, at Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore. Statistical analysis is done by percentage analysis, paired T test or Wilckoxer signed rank test and Mcnemer test.
Results: This is a questionnaire-based study conducted on 300 urban educated women seeking termination of pregnancy. Among 300 women studied majority were in the age group of 21-30 years i.e. 174 women (58%). Among 300 women studied about 126 women who had some knowledge about EC and Medias (like TV, radio and magazine) constitutes the major source of knowledge i.e. 60 women (47.6%) then Doctors and nurse i.e. 36 women (28.5%) and other sources like friends, relative and Teachers i.e. 30 women (23.8%). Knowledge about the side effects of EC was very limited in present study, i.e. 30 women (23.8%) were unaware of side effects, 60 women (47.6%) were aware of minor side effects like nausea, vomiting and pain abdomen, and only 36 women (28.5%) were aware of hormonal side effects like menstrual irregularity.
Conclusions: From present study it is shown that even among urban educated women knowledge about emergency contraception is very limited. For the proper use of emergency contraception, women should have basic knowledge about fertility and contraception. According to present study only 23.8% of urban educated women have knowledge about safe and unsafe period only (42.8%) had knowledge about timing of use of Emergency contraception.
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