Uterine sparing approaches in management of placenta accreta: a summarized review
Conservative, Hemorrhage, Maternal morbidity, Placenta accretaAbstract
Placenta accreta is a potentially life-threatening obstetric condition that required multidisciplinary approach to management. Placenta accreta occurs in complete absence of the decidua basalis. Women with previous cesarean section delivery or placenta previa are known to be at greater risk of placenta accreta. A previous study reported that 24%& 67% increase in the incidence of placenta accreta in women 1 versus 3 or more previous cesarean deliveries respectively. Antenatal diagnosis of placental invasion has the potential to improve maternal and fetal outcomes. In practice, incomplete non-separation of the placenta at delivery leads to massive obstetric hemorrhage resulting in maternal morbidities such as massive blood transfusion, DIC, injury to the bladder and intestines and the need for hysterectomy. Sonographic examination with gray scale and color doppler imaging is the recommended first line modality for diagnosis of morbidly adherent placenta. Techniques developed for conservative management are techniques developed to preserve uterus and future fertility which is crucially linked to societal status and self-esteem.
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