Post partum headache: a case series
Cortical vein thrombosis, Meningitis, Multidisciplinary management, Neuroimaging, Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, Postpartum headache, Subdural hematomaAbstract
Postpartum headache is the complaint of head, neck, or shoulder pain occurring during the first 6 weeks following delivery. Among the women who underwent neuraxial aneasthesia Post Dural puncture headache is one of the most common presentations. However, physicians should be aware that post Dural puncture headache is not the only cause of postpartum headache. Authors present a series of four cases that had varied presentation of post partum headache with varied diagnosis, the first case was of subdural haematoma where CT scan revealed an acute on chronic SDH. The second case was diagnosed as meningitis and the CSF for culture sensitivity grew Streptococcus Pneumoniae .In our third case of cortical vein thrombosis , NCCT followed by MR venogram revealed left transverse venous sinus thrombosis and our last case in the series was of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome where MRI confirmed the findings of typical findings are symmetric edema involving the white matter of the posterior regions of the cerebral hemispheres. The diagnostic dilemma was resolved by neuroimaging because the clinical presentation was not making us reach a satisfactory diagnosis of the cause of headache. Early resort to neuroimaging and multidisciplinary team effort paved way to early diagnosis and appropriate recovery of the patients.
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