A rare case of pregnancy in the rudimentary horn of unicornuate uterus (on table diagnosis): a case report
Cesarean section, Ectopic gestation, Rudimentary horn, Unicornuate uterusAbstract
A rudimentary horn with a unicornuate uterus results due to failure of the complete development of one of the Mullerian ducts and incomplete fusion with the contralateral side. Pregnancy in non-communicating rudimentary horn of unicornuate uterus is a rare form of ectopic gestation and it carries grave consequences for mother and the fetus. The most dreaded complication is rupture during pregnancy which can be life threatening to the mother. The continuation of pregnancy is rare till 3rd trimester and usually ruptures in 2nd trimester. The primary strategy of the management is surgical excision of the rudimentary horn. Here is a case of 24year old, gravida1 with unruptured rudimentary horn pregnancy at gestational age 28 weeks diagnosed on table. IOL (induction of labour) was done with misoprostol for fetal demise and later cesarean section done in view of failed induction. Laparotomy was done and dead fetus with placenta delivered followed by excision of the rudimentary horn. The post-operative period was uneventful. This highlights the need of an increased awareness of this condition especially in developing countries where most pregnancy are unbooked and uninvestigated as in present case.
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