Consequences of antepartum hemorrhage and its maternal and perinatal outcome


  • Himang Jharaik Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kamla Nehru Hospital, Shimla, Himahal Pradesh, India
  • Bishan Dhiman Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kamla Nehru Hospital, Shimla, Himahal Pradesh, India
  • S. K. Verma Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kamla Nehru Hospital, Shimla, Himahal Pradesh, India
  • Aditi Sharma Department of Dermatology, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College, Tanda, Kangra, India



Abruptio placenta, Antepartum hemorrhage, Placenta previa


Background: Antepartum haemorrhage, a life-threatening event, is defined as bleeding per vaginum occurring after the fetus has reached the period of viability, considered to be 20 weeks in developed countries and 28 weeks in countries with low resource settings. We evaluated the consequences of antepartum haemorrhage, their maternal and perinatal outcome so as to outline the proper management of patient in order to improve both maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.

Methods: This one-year prospective study totaled 133 cases of APH fulfilling the inclusion criteria were studied. Data was recorded on the MS excel sheet for further analysis and processing.

Results: Total 6693 deliveries were conducted out of which 133 presented as APH and incidence of APH was found out to be 1.98%. Placenta previa was most common. APH was commonly associated with multigravida and most cases were in age group of 26-30 years. Most of the PP and abruption cases were admitted at 34-37 weeks and 31-33 weeks respectively. High risk factors included previous LSCS and D and C, hypertension, multiple pregnancies and malpresentations. Most of the patients underwent preterm LSCS. Most fetal complications were due to prematurity. 58.6% patients were transfused blood. Overall perinatal mortality was 20.1% and maternal mortality was zero.

Conclusions: Early diagnoses, timely referrals and transfusion facilities along with trained team of doctors with well-equipped ICU facility goes a long way in avoiding APH related maternak and fetal complications.


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