The role of tourniquet in myomectomy: an observational study


  • Urmi Sanyal Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, SVMCH and RC, Ariyur, Pondicherry, India
  • Shilpa Ghosh Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, SVMCH and RC, Ariyur, Pondicherry, India
  • Hiremath P. B. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, SVMCH and RC, Ariyur, Pondicherry, India
  • Reshma Hiremath IMO, Mapusa, Goa, India



Myomectomy, Pediatric feeding tube, Tourniquet, Uterine fibroid


Background: Leimymoma is one of the commonest benign tumours encountered in women during the reproductive age. One quarter of these women may be symptomatic. When surgical management is indicated, myomectomy may be considered as the procedure of choice. Myomectomy can be complicated by severe intraoperative haemorrhage. One of the methods to reduce blood loss during myomectomy is the mechanical application of tourniquet.

Methods: A prospective observational single arm study was done with 24 women who underwent open myomectomy to determine the utility of tourniquet in reducing blood loss during the procedure.  Women of reproductive age group, having symptomatic fibroid, not responding to medical therapy, not completed their family and with total uterine size not exceeding 20 weeks were included in the study while those with pregnancy, concomitant adenomyosis, cervical or broad ligament fibroid, bleeding diathesis were excluded. The 7-French pediatric feeding tube was used as tourniquet. Our primary end point was intra-operative blood loss. Secondary outcome measures included operative morbidity and blood transfusion rates.

Results: It was seen that application of the tourniquet considerably reduced the amount of blood loss and made resection of the myoma much easier. 83.3% patients had a blood loss less than 200ml and the rest between 200ml and 400ml. For majority of the patients (75%) the postoperative change of PCV was between 1 and 2%.

Conclusions: The infant feeding tube form of tourniquet is cheap, safe, readily available, effectively reduces blood loss during myomectomy while not adding to the complications due to the operation.


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How to Cite

Sanyal, U., Ghosh, S., P. B., H., & Hiremath, R. (2019). The role of tourniquet in myomectomy: an observational study. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 8(4), 1610–1615.



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