Utility of amnioinfusion in deliveries complicated by meconium stained liquor: a randomized controlled trial


  • Mervat A. Elsersy Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt




Amnioinfusion, Cesarean section, Fetal distress, Meconium aspiration syndrome, Meconium stained liquor


Background: Meconium stained amniotic fluid could be seen in 12-16 % of deliveries. Meconium is toxic to the newborn lung. Its presence during labour increases the risk to develop neonatal respiratory distress by about 100 times more. Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) occurs in about 5% of deliveries with meconium-stained amniotic fluid and death occurs in about 12% of infants with MAS. Intrapartum amnioinfusion was described as a way to dilute meconium or act as a mechanical cushioning of the umbilical cord to prevent its compression .The aim of this study is to perform a randomized controlled clinical trial to test the hypothesis that amnioinfusion can reduce the incidence of caesarean deliveries and perinatal morbidity associated with meconium stained amniotic fluid.

Methods: An interventional randomized study was conducted in Hai Jamaa hospital. 360 patients were enrolled in the study. The patients were in labour with meconium stained liquor above 37 weeks. They were randomly allocated in two groups. Group 1: amnioinfusion group and Group 2: non amnioinfusion group.

Results: Significant reduction of cesarean section rate due to fetal distress. Also significant reduction of prevalence of variable fetal heart rate decelerations, and significant reduction of incidence of MAS in patients received amnioinfusion.

Conclusions: Amnioinfusion is an easy, safe and inexpensive procedure useful in patients with meconium stained liquor.


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