Genital tuberculosis in infertile women: role of hysterolaparoscopy and tuberculosis polymerase chain reaction
Genital tuberculosis, Tuberculosis Polymerase chain reactionAbstract
Background: Genital tuberculosis is an important cause of female infertility in developing countries like India. It is one of the major causes for severe tubal disease leading to infertility.
Methods: A prospective study was conducted in which 100 women presented to hospital with infertility were subjected to hystero-laparoscopy over 1 year. Endometrium sent for tuberculosis polymerase chain reaction (TB-PCR) and HPE and results were formulated.
Results: Out of 100 women, 28% were diagnosed with Genital tuberculosis (GTB) using accepted clinical criteria, TB-PCR and endometrial HPE. 25 of these 28 were diagnosed by hysterolaparoscopy (89.24%) alone, 16 by positive endometrial TB-PCR (57.14%) and another 2 by HPE (7.14%).
Conclusions: In country like ours where TB is endemic, a multi-pronged approach to diagnosis increases the chances of successfully diagnosing this destructive disease.Metrics
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