Epidemiology of maternal mortality in Befelatanana maternity during 2016-2017
Epidemiology, Maternal death, Mortality Related to Pregnancy, PreclampsiaAbstract
Background: Maternal mortality remains a permanent obsession for the pregnant woman and her entourage, and is still one of the topical issues faced by a developing country, such as Madagascar. Our study aims to determine the epidemiological and etiological profile.
Methods: We conducted a descriptive retrospective study over a 2-year period from January 1st, 2016 to December 31st, 2017 at the Befelatanana Gynecology-Obstetrics Hospital on maternal deaths.
Results: We had 76 maternal deaths out of 5430 births, or 1.39%. The average age was 31.18±8.38 years with extremes of 14 and 49 years. The average parity was 2.67±1.85. The majority of pregnancies were poorly followed with a mean ANC of 2.18±1.85. The referred patients predominated at 68.42%. Women living in the urban area had a 57.89% majority. Among the etiology, hypertensive complications predominated at 42.11% followed by hemorrhagic (38.16%) and infectious (19.14%) complications. The patients who underwent surgery predominated at 78.94% and 59.21% were transfused.
Conclusions: Maternal mortality remains a major concern at the Befelatanana Obstetrics Gynecology Hospital. During our study, hypertensive complications were found to be the most common causes requiring adequate management. For this, an awareness of pregnant women for the standardization of ANC, as well as regular training of health actor are necessary.
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