Scenario of molar pregnancy in a tertiary care centre in Delhi, India
Gestational trophoblastic diseases, H mole, India, Molar pregnancy, Suction evacuation, Vaginal bleedingAbstract
Background: Molar pregnancies represent a significant burden of disease on the spectrum of gestational trophoblastic diseases with incidence varying with geographic region. Aim was to review all molar pregnancies admitted at our institution and to study the incidence, clinical presentation, management, complications and outcome of molar pregnancies.
Methods: An observational study was done in department of obstetrics and gynaecology at Dr. BSA Medical College and Hospital among women with molar pregnancy over two years.
Results: The incidence of molar pregnancy of the institute was 1.05/1000 deliveries. 21- 25 years age group and nulliparous women constituted 28.1% of patients. Amenorrhea (100.0%) was the commonest presenting complaints followed by abnormal vaginal bleeding (90.62%). Anemia (37%) was the commonest complication followed by acute hemorrhage (31%) and hyperthyroidism (18%). Suction evacuation was done in 96.8% of patients and 87.5% required blood transfusion. Only 6.2% (2/32) of patients had post evacuation chemotherapy. None of the cases developed choriocarcinoma. Limitation of the study was that the incidence of subsequent pregnancies after complete treatment of molar pregnancies was not studied.
Conclusions: Early diagnosis of complete molar pregnancy can change the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of molar pregnancy. There is need for early recognition, timely referral, prompt and proper treatment of this condition. Adequate follow-up of the patients and need for contraception should be reinforced.
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