Clinico epidemiological profile of abnormal uterine bleeding in reproductive womens: a cross sectional study
Abnormal uterine bleeding, Menorrhagia, Polymenorrhoea, Reproductive age group womenAbstract
Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a common reason for women of all ages to consult their gynecologist and is one of the most common debilitating menstrual problems ending up in hysterectomy in developing countries. This study was done with the aim to observe the clinical and demographic profile of the patients and the pattern of AUB.
Methods: It is an observational study, conducted in department of obstetrics and gynaecology, DR Rammanohar Lohia institute of medical sciences, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh from August 2018 to July 2019. All patients in the reproductive age group with symptoms of abnormal uterine bleeding were included in the study.
Results: Majority (37.50%) of the women were in the age group of 30-40 years. 71.66% were multiparous and maximum women (60%) were in normal BMI. 69.17% were belonging to middle class. Commonest presentation was menorrhagia (48.3%) followed by oligomenorrhoea (18.1%) followed by polymenorrhoea (17.27%).
Conclusions: Excessive menstrual blood loss is a common reason for women to seek medical help and leads to large demands in health resources According to our study majority of the women with AUB were in the age group of 30-40 years, were multiparous with normal BMI belonging to middle class. Commonest presentation was menorrhagia. Following study highlights the clinical and epidemiological pattern of abnormal uterine bleeding of reproductive age group, which is crucial factor in management for these patients. In order to predict causal association, further more studies with larger sample size of higher level of evidence should be conduct to draw causal evidence.
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