Study of gynecological health of women with disabilities
Anaemia, Disabled persons, Gynecology, Health services accessibility, Infertility, Women’s healthAbstract
Background: In routine gynaecological practice, women with disabilities are rarely seen. The available literature regarding gynaecological and obstetric issues of women with disabilities is scanty. Hence this study was designed on women with disabilities participating.
Methods: History and examination findings regarding gynaecological problems of 30 participants were collected.
Results: Results show that two third of the participants had normal menses while others had dysmenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, menorrhagia, infective vaginitis and urinary tract infection. 11 participants were married, out of which 2 had infertility. None of the participants had clinical findings suggestive of breast or cervical cancer. These findings are compared with available studies of similar type.
Conclusions: This study concludes recommending the need of special camps for women with disabilities with Gynaecologist on the panel.Metrics
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