Unicornuate uterus with functional non communicating rudimentary horn: a refractory cause of dysmenorrhea


  • Manju Agarwal Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan, India
  • Rakhee Soni Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan, India
  • Madhureema Verma Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan, India




Dysmennorhoea, Functional endometrium, Hematometra, Mullerian duct anomalies, Non-communicating rudimentary horn, Unicornuate uterus


Mullerian duct anomalies are rare. Unicornuate uterus with a non-communicating rudimentary horn is a rare type of mullerian duct anomaly which occurs due to defective fusion of malformed duct with contralateral duct. The incidence is approximately 1:100000. Patient usually remain asymptomatic due to the absence of functional endometrium in most of the cases. If the rudimentary uterine horn has an endometrium lined uterine cavity and doesn’t communicate externally then the signs and symptoms of obstructed menstruation appears, as soon as menarche begins. It will be associated with severe dysmennorhoea and hematometra. Other complications may be abdominal lump, chronic pelvic pain, infertility, endometriosis, adenomyosis and ectopic pregnancy in rudimentary horn. Authors are presenting a case of refractory dysmenorrhea with lump abdomen in a patient with unicornuate uterus with functional non communicating horn. In a patient with refractory dysmenorrhea mullerian duct anomaly should be kept as differential diagnosis.


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Case Reports