Seroprevalence of human immunodeficiency virus among reproductive age group females presenting with genital ulcer: study from a tertiary care centre in India
Condom, Genital ulcer, Herpes progenitalis, Human immunodeficiency virusAbstract
Background: The co-existence genital ulcers either in the recipient or donor could potentially increase the risk of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Hence the meticulous clinical and serologic evaluation of females presenting with genital ulceration is important to curb the future spread of HIV.
Methods: A total 80 female patients within the age group 15-45 years presenting with genital ulceration were enrolled in the study done at tertiary care centre in Amritsar for a period of one year. Various investigations such as Tzanck smear, VDRL, gram staining, genital mucosal biopsy, HSV serology and HIV testing - ELISA and Tri dot were done on study participants.
Results: Out of 80 females, 8 patients with genital ulceration tested positive for HIV. Most common cause of genital ulceration in HIV positive female patients was herpes progenitalis (50%). Only 25% of HIV seropositive females were married rest were widowed or unmarried. History of condom use was absent in 62.5% of HIV positive females.
Conclusions: Pre-existing genital ulcers due to sexually transmitted diseases (STD) or due to non-STDs, inconsistent condom use, urbanization and pre/extra marital affairs are risk factors for the acquisition of HIV.
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