Implementation of active management of the third period of childbirth for the prevention of immediate post-partum bleeding in four regional maternity hospitals of Conakry, Guinea
AMTPC/GATPA, Guinea, Implementation, MaternitiesAbstract
Background: The objective of this study was to determine the frequency, skills level of health care service providers; to identify complications and difficulties related to the implementation of AMTPC/GATPA.
Methods: It was about prospective study, descriptive of 6 months (1st March to 31st August 2014) carried out in the maternity hospitals of Faranah, Kindia, Mamou and Nzérékoré. It concerned the parturient women who had recently given birth and the personnel that carried out AMTPC/GATPA in these hospitals.
Results: During the study period of 1,254 out of 1,305 births had benefited of AMTPC/GATPA, a frequency of 96.1%. The midwives were the most represented personnel in the implementation of GATPA (44.1%). In 46.4% of the cases, the health care service providers acquired this competence from the initial training. The release was obtained in the first trial in 64.9% cases. The duration of implementation of GATPA was less than 5 minutes in 72.6% cases. The different stages were respected in 91.5% cases. Complications were dominated by retention of placental fragments (10.2%). Lack of oxytocin was the main difficulty (36.6%).
Conclusions: The sustainability of this achievement would depend on the systematic and correct implementation of AMTPC/GATPA at all childbirth attendants and the effective management of oxytocin.
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