Fetus papyraceous, a rare complication of twin pregnancy: case report
Twin pregnancy, Fetus papyraceous, Intrauterine death, Diamniotic dichorionicAbstract
Fetus papyraceous or compressus is the mummified fetus associated with multiple gestation, where one fetus dies in early second trimester, flattened, mummified and compressed between the membranes of the living fetus and the uterine wall. It is more common in monozygotic twins but may occur in dizygotic variety. However, the maternal and fetal complications in affected cases can be severe. We present a case that was diagnosed as dichorionic diamniotic twin gestation in early pregnancy which subsequently resulted in the fetal demise of one twin in second trimester leading to fetus papyraceus, but careful maternal and fetal monitoring leads to successful healthy outcome of mother and surviving fetus.
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