Intravenous 1 gram tranexamic acid for prevention of blood loss and blood transfusion during caesarean section: a randomized case control study
Tranexamic acid, Post-partum hemorrhage, Caesarean sectionAbstract
Background: Aim of current study was to determine the effect of tranexamic acid in reducing blood loss during and after C-section.
Methods: All women undergoing LSCS were divided in two groups viz study and control group. All were requested for pre-op and post-op Hb%, PCV and TRBC. Intravenous tranexamic acid one gm was given to study group (not to control group) 10 min prior to skin incision and blood loss in both groups was calculated by weighing prewieghed pads soaked in blood.
Results: Post-op blood loss was significantly lower in study group (P = 0.020). Hb% changes in post-op period is significant in control group (P = 0.037).
Conclusions: Tranexamic acid is safe and effective in preventing post-partum hemorrhage after caesarean section.
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