Laparoscopic intra-ovarian platelet rich plasma injection for ovarian rejuvenation: a new hope for infertile women
Premature ovarian insufficiency, Platelet rich plasma, Laparoscopy, InfertilityAbstract
This case report was presented to show the outcome of bilateral laparoscopic platelet rich plasma intra-ovarian injection for 34-year old woman who had primary infertility secondary to premature ovarian insufficiency and had two previously failed attempts of ICSI. One month after the procedure, the patient had menses and her hormonal profile was improved with increased serum AMH and E2 and decreased serum FSH and LH. On the eleventh day of the menstrual cycle, folliculometry detected good follicle measuring 18×20 mm, on the fifteenth day, trans-vaginal ultrasonography assured ovulation and timed intercourse was ordered, and she got pregnant. At the thirty fifth gestational week, she had premature preterm rupture of membrane and urgent cesarean delivery was performed and the newborn was admitted to neonatal intensive care unit. As conclusion, intra-ovarian PRP injections could be safe, productive, and a natural treatment for women with POI. Laparoscopic injection allowed perfect under-vision intra-ovarian injection and can be conducted as one-day procedure and this can be considered a novelty of the applied procedure.
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