Caesarean section at Koudougou regional hospital centre: indications and prognosis
Caesarean section, Indications, Koudougou regional hospital center, PrognosisAbstract
Background: Objective was to study the indications and the prognosis of cesarean section in the obstetrics and gynecology department of CHR Koudougou from August 1st to October 16th 2018.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study for descriptive purposes with prospective collection of data over the month and monitoring of parturients up to the 42nd day post caesarean section. The study covered the period from August 1 to October 16, 2018. Gestures received in the work room and those hospitalized for a scheduled cesarean were involved in this study.
Results: This study involved 316 deliveries. The caesarean section rate was 34.8% (n=110). The average age was 26.75 years with extremes of 12 and 42 years. Term pregnancies represented 90.9%. History of cesarean section was observed in 47, 3%. The main groups contributing to the caesarean section rate represent: Groups 5 (9.5%), Group 1 (9.2%), Group 3 (5.1%), the scar uterus (17.3%) and suffering fetal (14.6%). The reported complications were 15.5% including 3.6% parietal suppuration and 0.8% stillbirth.
Conclusions: The caesarean section occupies an important place in the maternity service of the RHC of Koudougou. Robson's group 5 was the largest contributor to the overall cesarean rate in our study. Measures should be taken in this group so that the uterine scar does not become an absolute indication for cesarean.
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