A study on the obstetric outcome in preterm pre-labour rupture of membranes
Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes, Chorioamnionitis, Neonatal sepsisAbstract
Background: The major risks to the baby following preterm pre-labour rupture of membranes (PPROM) are related to the complications of prematurity. Since the goal of management in PPROM is prolongation of pregnancy, the most commonly accepted management scheme for the patient less than 34 weeks is expectant management in the hospital which consists of careful observation for signs of infection, labour or fetal distress in an effort to gain time for fetal growth and maturation.
Methods: Patients admitted in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department SAT Hospital, Medical College Trivandrum, Kerala with PPROM meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria were recruited for the study. They were followed in the antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal period and the babies were also followed in the postnatal ward. The maternal and neonatal outcome were analysed and studied.
Results: Maternal chorioamnionitis developed in 12.1% of cases, abruption 1.7%, puerperal pyrexia 8.8%, early onset neonatal sepsis in 22.9% of cases, congenital pneumonia in 17% cases and neonatal deaths in 6.3% of cases. The mean gestational age at delivery in this study was 33.42 weeks with majority of cases delivering between 32-34 weeks.
Conclusions: The study suggests that maternal chorioamnionitis, puerperal pyrexia, congenital pneumonia, early onset neonatal sepsis, neonatal death, and requirement for ICU care occur with increased frequency in cohorts with PPROM. The present study concluded that most common maternal morbidity associated with PPROM was chorioamnionitis, that of neonatal morbidity was prematurity and its complications. A team effort by the obstetrician and neonatologist in a tertiary care setting can ensure healthy and fruitful life for the mother and her baby.
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